Thursday, August 3, 2017

Human embryo gene editing to wipe out inherited diseases

Human embryo gene editing to wipe out inherited diseases

Brit scientists to pioneer use of 'human embryo gene editing to wipe out inherited diseases'

The controversial technique is the focus of a landmark new study

The end of heart failure? Experts make major breakthrough in gene editing to wipe out inherited diseases

American scientists have successfully altered DNA in defective embryos to prevent them developing the heart problem

1 comment:

  1. Other Countries have been Working with Embryo's -- Fetus aborted, some Remaining Alive after, and Stem Cell mimic, or Clone, DNA can ReBirth also, those things also get Studied to Repair Defects in humans, as if to mass Farm Part's one day.
    Scientist Studies them or they Sell Parts to be used in Product's, California Silicon valley does a lot of Research on a Wide Variety of Subject's, including Space.
    Beside there are Data Bases with probably Every Cutures Eggs & Sperm, many College kids Sold theirs to Lab's to Pay for College, body fluid's like Bone Marrow can be sold also.
    it's amazing that thing's like that gets Advertised so loosely within the College's, and last year Really shedded light on the
    Anti American Attitude's that Poured out of College's.
    It seemed as if some of the Teacher's had Been creating a mind set to cause a Uproar, plus Scientist marching on DC & Other Odd Conversation's, it's as if it was a Preplanned Distraction with Rumor's that have Caused Group's Up rise's, with Complaint's.
    a set up of psychological warfare; (the grass is always greener on the other side) hell millions have been claiming Gang Stalking or Mental Torcher, at least one of the mass Shooter's at a military base said he was being mentally torchered, he was a black man, but I can't think of his name.
    Anyway Science is on Every Known Aspect of Earth & Space.
    I think American Science was Stolen, Sold, or Altered, or Handed it Over to the International Societies as New Partner's while member's took over Corporate America & Other Countries thru real estate - mining, Various Corporation's
    major invention's popping up, But as Other Factories or Foreign businesses owner's move in, You have to Remember the Tax Break's Bush Jr gave corporation's to Leave America, as Major Rearranging of National Guard Bases, Sciences, Military just before Sending Them off to War... Could ..Some of these New Corporation's from Europe etc, Be Being Given an Insensitive to Leave
    Europe etc, while things "Change there too?"
    Plus Isn't, China's is in every Country now too?
    not sure what other Countrymen Are in All ?
    But it seems like Wide Spread DNA testing of Immigrants worldwide would Be Wise, considering we live in a age of common Plastic surgery, and some of the Behavior's doesn't match culture's, In a way... Too many of the Wrong People have been Blamed the last 16 yrs + millions Are Dead, while anyone complaining gets called a conspiracy theorist or Nut, many dead too.
    as Money Talk's to Blinded fool's, Stuck by Gold Fever,
    So Citizen's go off to AA meetings,
    As Researcher's harvest Blood to Go off to Space.
    Portable People could be Born in Other Galaxies,
    no Limit on using natural code's of Life ?
