Wednesday, February 14, 2018


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© 2018 NEON NETTLE POPULAR VIDEOS NETTLE SPHERE NETTLE FEED ENTERTAINMENT FEATURES NEWS HOME Flu Epidemic Now Killing 4000 People Per Week, Virus 'Out Of Control' Experts claim outbreak being made wore by flu shots By: Riva Mendoza  |@NeonNettle on 13th February 2018 @ 7.10pm

Deaths from the recent outbreak are predicted to be more secure than the 2099 swine deaths. Reports that this seasn's flu epidemic is now so out of control it is currently claiming the lives of up to 4,000 Americans per week.Deaths from the recent outbreak are predicted to be more secure than the 2099 swine deaths.

According to Fortune: the levels influenza-like illnesses were reported to have now reached the same peak as the swine flu epidemic in 2009, thus far exceeding the majorly severe flu outbreak in 2003.

There have now been 40,414 recorded deaths in the U.S during the third week of 2018

People dying from pneumonia and influenza, which are at high levels in winter, are responsible for 1 of every 10 deaths last week and is likely to rise according to Anne Schuchat, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s acting director.

READ MORE: Doctor Blows Whistle on Flu Shot: 'It’s Designed to Spread Cancer' There have now been 40,414 recorded deaths in the U.S during the third week of 2018, 4,064 of them were from flu or pneumonia, according to the CDC data.

The number is now expected rise as more data is sent to the agency“
This is a difficult season, and we can’t predict how much longer the severe season will last,” Anne Schuchat said.

“I wish there was better news, but everything we are looking at is bad news.”According to The dailySheeple:

The primary type of influenza this year hasn’t changed enough from previous seasons to be considered a novel strain, Schuchat said.

But the flu shot has changed, is only 10% effective, and 20% of the 63 children who have died of the flu were vaccinated. (One must read to the very bottom of mainstream media articles to read that cold hard truth.)

The CDC’s virologists are studying this year’s flu to determine if there are any other explanations for why it’s been so hard-hitting. But don’t expect anyone to look into the flu shot as a potential problem.

You’ll have to do the heavy lifting when it comes to researching the flu vaccine because the CDC has already been caught mired deep in corruption surrounding the vaccine industry. READ MORE: Expert Confirms Flu Shot Behind Deadly Epidemic That's Killed Thousands.  

“We have a lot to learn still about influenza. It’s a wake-up call about how severe influenza can be, and why we can never let down our guard,” said Schuchat. “Unfortunately, more deaths are likely to happen.

Over the next few weeks, we do expect and it would make sense to see more pneumonia and influenza-related deaths. The people who are likely to die are already in the hospital.”

Many people have died of the flu after receiving the flu vaccine. It also appears that, contrary to CDC claims, rather than making flu symptoms less severe when the vaccination causes the flu, the shot may well make them more severe, and more lethal.

So not only can the flu shot directly cause the flu, as Dr. Oz and Piers Morgan demonstrated on national television to millions of people, it can also make the flu more lethal.

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