Saturday, July 22, 2017

Think fake news is bad? Take a look at the even larger problem of fake medical research

Think fake news is bad? Take a look at the even larger problem of fake medical research
BY IWB · JULY 22, 2017

1 comment:

  1. Ritalin was one of those drugs put out in the 90's without research, I had read the people that put it out got 6 months in jail over it !
    I was Young but I should of Sued them over it and so should a lot of people in my area. The Elementary was Forcing Parents to medicate Kids with those Meds, they said our kids had ADD & ADHD and Local Dr's was prescribing it left & right, I told the school I didn't want my son on it, they Threatened to have my son Taken away if I didn't, but I did not understand the laws and most other parents probably didn't either, my son was Very Quiet & Mild mannered, he was like me when I was little, he needed special attention because of shyness, but the School told me they did not have special Classes that the entire school was a Chapter 1 school, but that was a lie I found out later, and they were forcing parents to medicate so they could get Special funding, my son told me he did not like the medication it made him feel crazy, so I did not give it to him when he was home, and I had to get it switched to another medication which permentally Altered my son, he got headaches and it altered his patience. I have grandkids now and the School is considered a chapter 1 school, they moved kids around to ensure it happened I was told, there are 4 towns in our county, and special needs kids was moved to this town from another town, which gave us the chapter 1 or Title 1 status and gave them a more up scaled status, which is Very Odd because kids in this town were smarter than those, I figured it was because someone special must of moved there ? But Our school needs much better improvement's the new school was only built around 20 yrs ago and it is too Small, has leaky roof, and Other problems inside of class rooms like tempature control's not sure what else or if its fixed but it bull. and I do not like most of the programs taught so far. and I'm dreading finding out the Changes in middle & high school, I've already heard some bad things about the high school
