Saturday, July 22, 2017

Chemo Making Cancer Worse Says Yet Another Peer Reviewed Medical Journal

Chemo Making Cancer Worse Says Yet Another Peer Reviewed Medical Journal


  1. Chemo is a Voyage through Hell...I watched someone go through a Treatment... His face would turn Blood Red, once he died and was brought back, then they lowered the dose for a while, he didn't let me go with him but once, but I went to the radiation treatments with him a few times,...that's right he got separate treatments one for chemo, one for radiation.
    He survived but the Port stays in him...and it Burnt a different part of his lung...he still goes to both Dr's once a year to see if it starts growing again.

  2. Although my friend surived , most of the people around here that went through it died. My area has been having A lot of people diagnosed with Cancer, We don't know Why it popped up so ramped, no one is investigating it ?
    But Air planes have been painting our Skies, for a long time it was 3, usually just before a Rain, now it's mostly 1 sometimes more.
    The tree's even looked sick for a couple of year's then they got better and then we were Plagued with Bugs that Eat Trees,.. Stink Bugs, Kudzu Beatles, & Pine Beatle's... But Lot's of Other Strange looking bugs, some even looked like they were a Mix of 2 bugs, once I found a Bee that looked like one of those Red & Black Cow which can kill a cow if it bites it, or so I'm told, but really scary looking as a Bee. It was in my local state park and had come out of a hole in the ground near were I was sitting, If I'd had a jar, I sure would of caught him !
    People Do need to pay attention to the Bugs, and tell DNR if they find unusual bugs.

  3. There was 2 people in my area that had something Bust in their Lungs ? One had just finished Chemo, and One that Never had Chemo. The one that did not have chemo spent A lot of time Outside, cutting grass for a couple of neighbor's and just doing other things outside, he was complaining of not feeling well for maybe 2 years before it happened.
