Monday, January 7, 2019


  1. 64moonlite references please..including for their "admissions" or do not bother to comment at all

    I am just being frank and expressing the expectations of my viewers, Most of them are very Educated and express their comments and opinions in a reference based format,..!!

  2. Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment your fake...I took my comment off. You don't do any research for yourself. You post other people's stuff without your own proof...nanotechnology has been using anatomony weapons that's 100 percent truth. And don't go agianst people who do better jobs in references of these targetings. They are not your enemy....unless it's your hacker of your assult speaking..they can back off.

  3. 64moonlite I research before I post and when in doubt I notify. I always produce references for every position I take or do not take. I am aware of Nanotechnology and I have posted plenty on it. You, on the other hand, have been submitting very suspect, baseless and of the wall claims without ever offering any references, even when I kept asking for them. Your last comment, to which I reply, shows that you have mental issues and you lack basic Education. I will leave my response but I will block you because I do not want individuals such as yourself commenting on my posts

  4. Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment your a freak. You post other people's issues and you comment that towards the same effect of what you post.

  5. Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment It sounds to me you understand a targeted individual by posting up videos of the targeted and yet you call names towards them. Maybe you shouldn't! post any videos of the targeted individuals as they do come across as issues! as in regards to your comments! your making fun of them. when in fact they are the targeted individuals you post often. Without them you wouldn't have a say of how far the information has come to your less knowledge of the process. you post videos of other targets wheres yours? as you have not studied and posted your evidence and you have no idea what a target goes through and so by the use other videos to your knowledge of the targeted you come across as if you know it all but not.
