Wednesday, September 28, 2016

As noted in a Medical article;

As noted in a Medical article;
Medical science has given us so many positive resources, but it also presents opportunity for those that have questionable motives. Not all doctors are bad, but the overprescription and off-label drug prescription industry is out of control. There are way too many doctors behaving this way. It also takes an honest patient to turn down unnecessary drugs. It’s best to be cautious about taking drugs, but never hesitate when you’re taking the right drugs for the right reasons. There’s simply more money in having people on as many drugs as possible and keeping customers coming back to the medical system for constant care, instead of cure or prevention. Consumers must make informed decisions, especially when it comes to finding the right doctor for healthcare."

Has your health professional received drug company money? This is a free search tool to see if your doctor is accepting money from pharmaceutical companies. URL:

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