Friday, July 15, 2016

Transplant Organs From Aborted Babies

Originally shared by Nancy J. Thomas

Transplant Organs From Aborted Babies

There is some exciting news for people in desperate need of organ transplants, as researchers have successfully grown a fully-functioning human kidney in the body of a lab rat. However, like many major medical advancements, this one comes with a pretty controversial catch.

Organs of aborted human babies can be salvaged by transplanting them into rats. In this way, they can then be grown and developed and later reclaimed for human use.
Is it ethical? Well...would you like to live or die?




A fetal kidney developing in a lab rat. Gu and his colleagues achieved this stunning feat by restricting how much blood flows in the the organ at what pressure, ensuring no hemorrhaging occurs - a consequence often seen in animal transplants.

Eugene Gu et al. - American Journal of Transplantation, 2015

#transplantation #abortedfetuses #surgicalprocedures #medicaladvance

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