Monday, February 8, 2016

Nicholas Gonzalez, MD reveals the truth about chemotherapy

Originally shared by Justin Case

Nicholas Gonzalez, MD reveals the truth about chemotherapy
Dr. Gonzalez reveals the unspoken history of chemotherapy; news about its side effects that Western medicine has ignored for decades and, most importantly, what you need to know about its success rate - unreported by the mainstream media.

Dr. Nicholas J. Gonzalez, known for helping actress Suzanne Sommers overcome her cancer, who died unexpectedly just a month later. Gonzalez had been in excellent health and his sudden collapse was apparently “cardiac related,” but a subsequent autopsy showed no evidence of this. This interview was one of the last engagements he did.

In June of 2015, a well-respected Florida health practitioner, Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet, went missing and was then discovered floating face down in a North Carolina river, a bullet hole in his chest. Foul play?

Dr. Bradstreet’s own son was brain damaged following an MMR vaccine at 12 months of age. The experience helped convince the doctor to look into a link between the vaccine and autism. He was working on two leading edge areas of medical inquiry.

First, he was doing research that seemed to support the compelling notion that certain vaccines could induce autism. He ended up testifying twice about this before Congress. Second, he was working with a new compound out of Switzerland that was greatly relieving, if not outright curing, cancer and other diseases. With vaccine revenues over $25 billion and cancer drugs over $100 billion, pharmaceutical industries risk losing huge profits if research like Bradstreet’s continued positively and reached a wide audience. In fact, it could spell the end of numerous mega corporations.

But we don’t know what really happened with either of these two doctors. That’s pretty thin evidence claiming any sort of campaign against holistic doctors.

And if there were three? How about five, or eight, or ten? The tragic reality is that there have been at least thirteen holistic doctors who have “turned up dead or missing” in just a few months. Here is a timeline of recent suspicious doctor deaths:

June 19th Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet 
June 21st Dr. Bruce Hedendal and Dr. Baron Holt found dead on the East coast of Florida. Dr. Hedendal died in his car and Dr. Holt’s cause of death has yet to be officially determined.
June 29th Dr. Theresa Sievers found murdered in her home. Dr. Jeffrey Whiteside goes missing. Reports say he just “walked away.”
July 3rd Dr. Patrick Fitzpatrick, MD, goes missing without a trace. His truck and trailer were found on the side of the road.
July 10th Lisa Riley, Doctor of Osteopathy, found in her home with a gunshot wound to her head.
July 19th Dr. Ron Schwartz found murdered by a gunshot wound to the chest in his home on the East Coast of Florida.
July 21st Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez
July 21st Dr. Abdul-Karim, holistic dentist. Found dead on the side of the road at 10pm EST.
July 23rd Dr. Jeffery Whiteside is found dead in Door County with a .22 caliber close to his body.
August 14th Osteopath Dr. Mary Rene Bovier, found stabbed in her home in Sharon, Pennsylvania.
September 16th Dr. Mitch Gaynor is found dead outside his country home outside of Manhattan where he practiced. The local sheriff quickly calls it a suicide.
October 11th Dr. Marie Paas is found dead of an alleged suicide.
October 29th Dr. Jerome Block “jumped” to his death from the Central Park West Apartments.

And what did they have in common besides being “holistic?”
Almost all of them were operating in ways that undermined traditional pharmaceutical-based treatments.

Of coarse we reported on this as the story broke late in 2015 and others since have carried it as well ;)
Keep spreading the word.
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#stopthemadness #justincase

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