Monday, January 18, 2016

Clogged Arteries Can Harm Your Brain And Kidneys: Clean Them With Just 3 Ingredients

Originally shared by VIKAS KUMAR

Clogged Arteries Can Harm Your Brain And Kidneys: Clean Them With Just 3 Ingredients
One of the most important parts of our body are arteries, and when they are clogged we can experience different health problems.

Blood rich in oxygen is delivered to our hearth through the arteries, and cardiovascular system can be significantly harmed with processed foods we intake. Also, toxins and chemicals are doing no good, so heart attack and other heart diseases are increasing with poor lifestyle.

If you are in need of cleansing your arteries, you can do it with three simple ingredients, making a remedy of them. Here is the recipe:

You will need:

1 piece of ginger (thumb size)
3 litters purified water
8 cloves of garlic
8 organic lemons

First you need to wash lemons well and chop them into pieces. Peel garlic cloves and ginger, and put all three ingredients in a blender. It needs to become a fine, smooth mixture. When you get that, pour it in a pot, add water and cook it.

When the mixture starts to boil, turn off the heat and when it coolest off, pour it in bottles.

How to Use It

Drink this remedy every day, about two hours before every meal. You can also include some kind of exercise to the treatment, and after some time you will be amazed with the results.

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