Monday, June 27, 2016

9 Signs of Lung Cancer You Need to Know

Originally shared by Healthy Food Care

9 Signs of Lung Cancer You Need to Know

When in an early stage, lung cancer has no noticeable symptoms. It is estimated that in 40 percent of patients that had lung cancer, the cancer was diagnosed after the disease had already progressed. And in one third of the p...

#signs   #lung   #cancer   #health   #healthyliving   #healthylifestyle

Dangerous pharmacist prescribes boy 1000 times the recommended dose of ADHD medication, leading to horrifying brain...

Dangerous pharmacist prescribes boy 1000 times the recommended dose of ADHD medication, leading to horrifying brain swelling and death...

30 Second Pulse Test To Tell If Your Thyroid Is Being Affected By Food Allergies

Originally shared by Healthy Food Care

30 Second Pulse Test To Tell If Your Thyroid Is Being Affected By Food Allergies

Generally, the average person knows little about thyroid disorders and their harmful effects upon health. Plus, there are many diseases and illnesses that have similar symptoms and it can be difficult for a doctor to make a q...

#thyroid   #food   #allergies   #health   #healthyliving   #healthylifestyle

Several factors such as changes in texture, changes in color or presence of blemishes or sores can be signs that...

Originally shared by Healthy Lifestyle Zone

Several factors such as changes in texture, changes in color or presence of blemishes or sores can be signs that your tongue is trying to tell you that you might need some help.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Disturbing: Researchers Finally Confirm That Cancer Is A Purely Man-Made Disease | Cosmic Convergence: 2012 and...

Originally shared by IamChattyCathy

Father Cures MMR Vaccine Injured Son’s Autism

Originally shared by Jessie Williams


Originally shared by H George Tavakoli


Most people who get whooping cough have been vaccinated...

Originally shared by null

Most people who get whooping cough have been vaccinated...

FDA document admits vaccines are linked to autism:

Originally shared by null

FDA document admits vaccines are linked to autism:

CDC forced to reveal documents proving Thimerosal vaccine preservative causes autism:

CDC forced to reveal documents proving Thimerosal vaccine preservative causes autism:

Wednesday, June 22, 2016